queried for

  • <ReactElement> queried for [with all children] [with all wrapppers] [with all classes] [with all attributes] <ReactElement> <assertion?>
  • <ReactElement> queried for [exactly] <ReactElement> <assertion?>

This enables finding a particular component or element, to then perform further assertions on.


var renderer = createRenderer()
    <TodoItem id={1} label="Buy flowers for the wife"/>
    <TodoItem id={2} label="Mow the lawn"/>
    <TodoItem id={3} label="Buy groceries"/>
    renderer, 'queried for', 
    <TodoItem id={3}/>,
    'to have rendered', 
    <TodoItem label="Buy groceries"/>

Here the TodoList component is rendering a list of todo items. Here we're querying for the todo item with the id 3 and then we check that it has the expected text. This example show how you only mention exactly what you are searching for. If the assertion finds a match it is forwarded to the next assertion; otherwise it fails with a helpful message.

You can use to have rendered or to contain with all the options as usual following a queried for.

It is possible to use queried for to extract a part of a component.

return expect(renderer, 'queried for', <TodoItem id={3} />)
    .then(todoItem => {
        expect(todoItem.props.label, 'to equal', 'Buy groceries');

Note that it is not possible to call an event using with event after using queried for in an assertion. This is because the queried for extracts the rendered output from the shallow renderer, so future events will be lost.


If you want to find a target nested inside a parent element, use queryTarget in the query. e.g. This queried for clause returns the input element inside the div with the class add-new-item.

expect(renderer, 'queried for', <div className="add-new-item"><input queryTarget /></div>,
    'to have rendered', <input placeholder="Enter something to do" />);