with event

  • <RenderedPreactElement> with event <string> <assertion?>
  • <RenderedPreactElement> with event <string> <object> <assertion?>

with event .... [on]

with event can trigger events on your components. This is done by dispatching real browser events.

e.g. with a button that counts it's own clicks

expect(<MyButton />, 
  'when rendered',
  'with event', 'click', 
  'to have rendered', <button>Button was clicked 1 times</button>);

If you want to trigger an event on a specific component, (i.e. not the top level component), use on after the event.

const todoList = (
    <TodoItem id={1} label="Buy flowers for the wife"/>
    <TodoItem id={2} label="Mow the lawn"/>
    <TodoItem id={3} label="Buy groceries"/>
  'when rendered',
  'with event', 'click', 'on', <TodoItem id={3} />, 
  'to contain',
  <div className='completed'>
    <span className="label">Buy groceries</span>

To pass arguments to the event, simply include the event object after the event name. As real browser events are used, arguments must be supported by the event type.

  'when rendered',
  'with event mouseDown', { clientX: 150, clientY: 50 }, 'on', <TodoItem id={3} />,
  'to contain',
  <div className="completed">
    <span className="label">Buy groceries</span>

This will call the function passed in the onMouseDown prop of the <TodoItem>.

Multiple events

To call multiple events, simple list them one after the other:

  'when rendered',
  'with event', 'click', { clientX: 150, clientY: 50 }, 'on', <TodoItem id={3} />,
  'with event', 'click', { clientX: 50, clientY: 50 }, 'on', <TodoItem id={2} />,
  'to have rendered', 
  <div className="items">
    <TodoItem id={2}>
      <div className="completed" />
    <TodoItem id={3}>
      <div className="completed" />

You can optionally add and before the second and further events, to make it easier to read:

  'when rendered',
  'with event', 'click', { clientX: 150, clientY: 50 }, 'on', <TodoItem id={3} />,
  'and with event', 'click', { clientX: 50, clientY: 50 }, 'on', <TodoItem id={2} />,
  'to have rendered', 
  <div className="items">
    <TodoItem id={2}>
      <div className="completed" />
    <TodoItem id={3}>
      <div className="completed" />

You can extract the renderer after an event by using the result of the promise returned from expect

return expect(
  'when rendered',
  'with event', 'mouseDown', { clientX: 150, clientY: 50 }, 'on', <TodoItem id={3} />
).then(component => {
    'to contain',
    <TodoItem id={3}>
      <div className='completed'/>


You can add an eventTarget prop to the expected to trigger the event on a child component. e.g. This will trigger the click in the <button> inside the TodoItem with the id of 2

  'when rendered',
  'with event click', 'on', <TodoItem id={2}><span className="label" eventTarget /></TodoItem>,
  'to contain', 
  <TodoItem id={2}>
    <div className='completed'>

When no eventTarget is specified, the event is triggered on the top level element specified in the on clause.