to have rendered
- <RenderedPreactElement> to have rendered [with all children] [with all wrappers] [with all classes] [with all attributes] <PreactElement>
- <RenderedPreactElement> to have [exactly] rendered <PreactElement>
Given the following test component:
class MyComponent extends Component {
render () {
return (
<div className="parent" id="main">
Extra props and children from the render are ignored
expect(<MyComponent />,
'when rendered',
'to have rendered', <div class="parent" />);
Note that className
is always normalized to class
, so you can use either.
We've used the 'when rendered'
assertion to render the component, but you can also render it using Preact.render()
and pass the return value
const container = document.createElement('div');
const node = Preact.render(<MyComponent />, container);
expect(node, 'to have rendered', <div class="parent" />);
// The span "two" is missing here, but it is ignored.
expect(<MyComponent />,
'when rendered',
'to have rendered',
<div id="main">
// The following assertion will fail, as 'four' does not exist
expect(<MyComponent />,
'when rendered',
'to have rendered',
<div id="main">
expected <MyComponent />
when rendered to have rendered <div id="main"><span></span><span></span> </div>
<div id="main" class="parent">
If you want to check for an exact render, use 'to have exactly rendered'
Alternatively, if you don't care about extra props, but want to check that there are no extra child nodes, use 'to have rendered with all children'
Note that exactly
implies with all children
, so you using both options is not necessary.
Normally wrappers (elements that simply wrap other components) are ignored. This can be useful if you have higher order
components wrapping your components, you can simply ignore them in your tests (they will be shown greyed out
if there is a "real" error). If you want to test that there are no extra wrappers, simply add
with all wrappers
to the assertion.
// The span "two" is missing here, as is `className="parent"`
// The missing span will cause an assertion error, but the extra prop will be ignored
// due to `to have rendered with all children` being used
expect(<MyComponent />,
'when rendered',
'to have rendered with all children',
<div id="main">
expected <MyComponent />
when rendered to have rendered with all children <div id="main"><span></span><span></span> </div>
<div id="main" class="parent">
// The span "two" is missing here, as is `className="parent"`
// This will cause an assertion error,
// due to `to have exactly rendered` being used
expect(<MyComponent />,
'when rendered',
'to have exactly rendered',
<div id="main">
expected <MyComponent />
when rendered to have exactly rendered <div id="main"><span></span><span></span> </div>
<div id="main" class="parent" >