when rendered

  • <PreactElement> when [deeply] rendered <assertion?>

You can render a component with the shallow renderer directly with the when rendered assertion.

Say you have this component:

const Pages = (props) => {
    const pageElements = [];
    for (let i = 1; i <= props.count; ++i) {
      pageElements.push(<a key={i} href={'/page-' + i}>Page {i}</a>);
    return (

You can check the rendering directly using the when rendered assertion, saving you from creating the container DOM node by hand:

expect(<Pages count={3} />, 
    'when rendered',
    'to have rendered', 
      <a href="/page-1">Page 1</a>
      <a href="/page-2">Page 2</a>
      <a href="/page-3">Page 3</a>

You can optionally use 'when deeply rendered' which for Preact is identical, but maintains compatibility with unexpected-react. If you would like to be able to switch to React and keep the same tests, it is advisable to use 'when deeply rendered'

Everything works after the when rendered as normal, so you can trigger events and use the other assertions as you would otherwise.

expect(<MyButton />, 
    'when rendered', 
    'with event', 'click',
    'to have rendered', 
    <button>Button was clicked 1 times</button>